However you want to talk,
we’re here to listen.

Maybe you want more information. Maybe you’re concerned you have a problem. Maybe you know you have a gambling problem but don’t know where to start. Breathe. We’ve been there.

Our counselors have seen it all and are ready to listen—without judgment. How you want to talk to us is up to you. But please get in touch today. The sooner you start, the sooner you can get better.

All calls, texts and chats are free and confidential.

Call us: 888-850-8888

You can call our free and confidential helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trained helpline personnel can assess your situation and make appropriate referrals. All members of our staff are trained in crisis intervention and stabilization.

Text us: 302-438-8888

If you’re not ready to talk, let’s text. You can use our free and confidential local text line to ask us a question, request a callback or ask for more information. Available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.